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The New Hope [a short story]

By: Marfoah Tenkorang

February 26, 2020

“This might be our last chance! Copeland is wrecking our home as we know it so we must cease sleeping! Low-land Hominis have lost families to the recent disasters. We have no food, aqua hunters have no catch because there is no life in our seas, our waters are acidic, and sea levels and temperatures have risen. You and I are homeless now; we are refugees in our own home.” Kora said to a small group sitting in the cold dark alley with their tents situated side by side. It is 2030. 80% of Planet 3, precisely the Low-land, is buried under water, almost out of sight.

Planet 3, homini’s earth is tilted like a sinking ship. It is divided into two unequal parts, the Highland and the Lowland. The high-land is built on a hill that overshadows the low-land. Most of the administrative power resides in there. Low-land on the contrary, is at the foot of the hill inhabited by aqua hunters and poor laborers of the industrial cooperation that Planet 3 survives on. Lowlands had a relationship with the seas, and their natural surroundings. They were sensitive to the state of their environment and Planet 3 as a whole. However, due to unexpected fires, famine and floods, most life forms have been wiped off. Also, a larger influx of migrants to the Highlands has been putting pressure on resources in Planet 3. Kora is aware of what her planet can become within a few years; she knows her planet might not support Homini life anymore. Hominis are the people of Planet 3 who have lived through four different ages; currently, they are the rational people in a modern age.

Kora is dedicated to restore the planet and prevent the rest of the planet from sinking. She sends letters and petitions to Copeland, the supreme industrialist leader and the other leaders of planet 3 to halt their harmful experiments but it is to no avail. She then finds an avenue to start a revolutionary organization called “The New Hope”. Kora Tam might be Homini’s only hope. ‘The New Hope’ group stands for a healthier, greener and renewable planet. However, they have less contact with the High-land Hominis who are sophisticated and have not experienced the disastrous effects of Copeland’s experiments. They believe that the High-land Hominis sometimes pose a threat to the existence of their rising group and tag them as belligerent.

The group’s quest is suddenly jeopardized by some of their members who are tricked and bribed with properties on the Highlands by the administrative leader of Planet 3, Captain Copeland Cray. He is in charge of all industrial experiments which are destroying Planet 3. His sector emits carbon and other greenhouse gases that cause a number of life-threatening problems for Homini. Unfortunately, Copeland didn’t care much because he was earning a lot from the treacherous experiments. Copeland is a mean and proud soldier; he lives in the High-lands where life is luxurious. The High-lands had everything that the Hominis ever needed and they were mostly served by the Low-land Hominis. The High-land Hominis exclude them in decision making despite every Low-land Hominis dream to sit at the decision quarters with other officials. Low-land Hominis have less or no opportunities in the city.

“Before my eyes are my tattered dreams billowing in the breeze of this uncertain life as a Homini. Clearly, we are defined by the game of affluence versus lack of it. Undisputedly, our great potential is obstructed and suppressed when our actions revolve around our dissimilarity. We are clueless of our united power but let us know that we all must fight for one thing, our home, Planet 3.” Kora shares her thoughts with the High-land Hominis, to bond them altogether.

The skies get darker day by day due to smog and gases from the Highlands. It is unusual to see daylight in Planet 3. The battle, the rage, the voices for change are so intense that Kora gave all she could to sponsor more people to support and join The New Hope. She believed in her vision because she has lived through the devastating times here. It’s about time Copeland and his officials hear the loudest chant and songs for the use of natural and harmless resources in Planet 3. Kora and her group know there is hope if they act now. The New Hope knows they can restore Planet 3 to its glory.

Days, hours, minutes and seconds go by as Kora spends sleepless nights planning a peaceful and productive protest. The future of Hominis and the planet depends on it to be better as planned by Kora. Finally, the day of the protest arrives; placards, posters, and airships are ready. The Hominis are chanting and singing as they move towards the gigantic quarters of Copeland with good messages of change and hope for their earth, and with sweat rolling down their faces. Suddenly, complete darkness and silence hits Planet 3! Kora turns 360-degree with her arms stretched forward trying to find someone but all she heard was her name penetrating the silence. She suddenly hears that her time is up and she should hand in her virtual reality headset. It was all just a virtual reality experience but for Kora, it was a glimpse of the unborn.

“I vaguely remember my vision of the unborn. Maybe, I chose not to remember or I am uncertain about seeing it at all. All I know is you and I have seen different parts of the unborn phase of my home, the Earth. Unknown to you and I, we have brought forth two worlds within our planet – the high and the low, the rich and the poor, and the leaders and the submissive. How do we combat our climate issues if we are in different worlds? Perhaps there is still time to save Earth!” Kora exclaims as she realizes there is indeed a ‘new hope’ for our mother Earth through rational yet environmentally friendly persistence and positivity.