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The Future is Freelancing: Nomad-ing in the New Normal

By: Dana Praise C. Guerrero

November 4, 2021

As face-to-face businesses, infrastructures and other built facilities have shut down or faltered due to the onslaught of the pandemic, still ongoing in various parts of the world, people are left with no choice but to pivot to virtual work. Due to this, a lot of people turned to gig work or the freelancing market as an additional means of vital resources, and even basic income. Gig, as a temporary or contractual job that usually ranges from service delivery or rendering of skills, was initially adopted from musicians when they take on a multitude of short-term roles throughout their lifespan. The gig economy, then, consists of online platforms that conduct or facilitate trade amongst workers and both individual and group clients or employers. World projection shows that it is more likely than not that such lifestyle will remain and expand as part of the shift forced by COVID in the traditional 9-to-5 behavior. This flux in terms of participation reshaped the future of the creative economy. Despite the gradual regression of physical jobs, there is increasing demand in their remote counterparts across varying industries like marketing, education and the likes.

At The End of the Winding Tunnel

Seemingly, while the growth sees the light of day, many developing nations lack resources to reach students, I included, and efficiently enter the public mainstream. For first time seekers, or returning recruitees like myself, here are a few places where you can get started:

1. DevCurate

Grounded on opportunity, excellence and mostly the people, “DevCurate was born out of the conviction that people and organizations making a difference in this world deserve better.” Based in Thailand, the enterprise has an impactful talent network, CV Builder, Spotlighters and more fit for all career levels!

2. Fiverr

Designing majorly for quality products getting done quickly, Fiverr is known to be the ideal marketplace for the entertainment, media and tech industries. Indeed, a business solution equipped for both budding and proven teams!

3. KadaKareer

As a Filipina, KadaKareer shouldn’t be missed when it comes to launching one’s personal digital journeys. Especially engineered for the locals, the community provides Filipino high school and college students, together with employees, a chance to join free coaches, resources, and online spaces to help kickstart your career exploration, navigation, and preparation!

4. Kalibrr

Where jobs find you, simple! Kalibrr is the site where endless career opportunities await. From corporations to start ups, work with high caliber companies in Southeast Asia at your fingertips.

5. UpWork

Bring yourself to the next level with the world’s work marketplace that is UpWork. Earn fresh pathways and attain new heights with this largest network of independent and esteemed professionals. Complete with a myriad of project catalogues, entry points and talent scouting, one can never go wrong with UpWork!

Emerging Lanes in Remote Work

As the globe pines to embrace this modernized way of working, which will undoubtedly continue to grow after the pandemic, talent leaders must plan for this inevitable transformation and rediscover noble methods to support workers ensuring the long-term viability of the aforementioned economy. In order to adapt to the diverse arena, though, one must be knowledgeable and wary of both the conveniences and pitfalls of this trade. “Remote work,” or anything that can be pertained as ‘away from the office’, is highly promising because it is flexible, where employees have adequate control over their work setting and environment. Yet, it is prone to digital attacks and discrimination because it is run mostly in telecommute. Therefore, proper career discernment should be practiced and applied already from the get-go once aggravated. 

Clearly, and even more so for us digital natives, the opportunities are already within our midst. In order to maximize them well and contribute more to the development rather than the worsening of the WFH culture, I believe it is also a high time for me to expand my scope of search for openings and contracts, outside the common social media platforms. It will take an amount of familiarity and resolve for me to venture outside Facebook groups and chat rooms. But if doing so would open up a plethora of pathways I can plunge myself into, then shooting my shot isn't a bad risk to take. Covering all of these into a hefty account is a meaningful step to catalyze in achieving a thriving, better normal for all of us, while stuck at home.