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Fighting with the Adverse

Anika Oishi

July 13, 2017

Picture Credit: The Daily Star

When the basic reasons behind the massive landslide catastrophe in Bangladesh were being studied, an interesting psychological affinity was noticed within the villagers dwelling in the catastrophic area. They exclaimed that, “How can one be saved from the Wrath of GOD! We all have to follow his orders and eventually go at the owed time.”

The victim of one of the huge landslide disaster in Bangladesh were considering it to be the action of God, whereas God has been putting several hazard gestures way before the disaster even occurred. As mentioned in the earlier analysis, one of the grander reasons behind the happening of this particular disaster was the lack in communication and incompetent process of information diffusion. As we worked in more depth, we found out some easy elucidations to this major cataclysm.

One of the major obstacles in the communication process was the proper understanding of the message which was being transmitted even before the disaster. Where there was immense scope of avoiding the huge death tolls, the people in the affected area couldn’t deduce the message at the very first place. The easiest solution to this would be introducing the rural people with some imperative signs and signals. They can be printed and circulated all over the area.

Now, the advantage of a printed message is that, villagers can be made acquainted with the signs way easily than learning the literary terms. Moreover, people tend to deduce the message transmitted in the form of pictures or images more quickly than a voice message. Again, people tend to ignore the voice message many a times whereas the turnover for the picture message is lower.

The government can easily collaborate with the grassroots level organizations including various active social groups and NGOs to preach the lessons among the villagers on different levels. These can be done in sessions and if done so, can be very effective in imparting the information among the people.

Picture credit: Travelblog

The second major obstacle would be the diffusion of the message. Though one can’t stop the occurrence of various natural calamities, the effect of the disaster can be reduced to a greater scale with the help of the local people. Now, in order to do so, the warning message has to be transmitted to every nook and corner of the village.


For the faster and easier transmission, we can select a few busy pivots within each area. The busy points with a cluster of people can be sorted out as the main spots of announcement of any sort. People can then disseminate the message on broader terms and it can reach within every part of the village through word of mouth. This process can be way more effective than the current process which is adopted during any disaster warning.

Another very easy shot at reducing the number of fatalities is to encourage people in afforestation. Social forestry is a greater need for our country. In this context, if we can initialize some incentives for the villagers, they would be encouraged to plant more trees which is a dire prevention for any natural mishaps. If village people can settle in with the planation of a large amount of trees, the risk of any such disaster would be reduced to a significant scale.

If somehow, we can ensure the application of the 3 methods explained above, we can save a lot of lives which might be lost for no apparent reasons.